Participants of the Spring School 2023 in Jena

Looking back at the Spring School 2023

Spring School 2023 in Jena History of Science international
Participants of the Spring School 2023 in Jena
Image: privat

European Philosophy of Science: Current influences on history and philosophy of science and science communication

April 17-18, 2023

Organized by the Ernst Haeckel Haus at the Friedrich Schiller University & the Master's Programme in the History and Philosophy of Science at Utrecht University 

History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) and Science Communication (SeC) teaching programs tend to have a focus on research topics, questions and references with a marked anglo speaking dominance. While the field has developed greatly in this region, the longer history of philosophy of science and historical epistemology developed in Europe is usually overlooked. This spring school aimed to give a short introduction to authors, questions and debates central to the philosophy of science tradition commonly characterized as “continental”. In this regard, this spring school provided (1) historical and systematic insights in German and French philosophy of science as well as historical epistemology and (2) a comparison to analytic (oriented) philosophies of science in English discourses.

Lectures were given by Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Berlin), Dr. Sandra Pravica (TU Berlin); Dr. Dawid Kasprowicz (RTW Aachen); Daniel Koenig (Universität Siegen)

Read what students say about their experiences with the Spring School:

„Die Spring School war eine wirklich einzigartige Gelegenheit, um spannende Perspektiven auf die Wissenschaftsgeschichte kennenzulernen, die heute ansonsten weniger Beachtung finden." Leon Retz (Master program in History of the Natural Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Immer wieder zu merken, wo diese Perspektiven auf Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sich unterscheiden und dann doch treffen, war für mich schon ganz eigener spannender Aspekt an der Spring School.“  Milan Slat (Master program in Social Theory, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

“Not only did the lectures themselves inspire me a lot, but also the interaction between the experts and attendees gave me a lot of perspective to reflect on problems. Communication with the students who study the same major from Utrecht University was a highlight. Last but not least, don’t miss the next Spring School if you are expecting inspiration, idea exchanging, and fun conversations.” Weijun Qin (Master program in History of the Natural Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

 Event announcement