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New Publication

Journal of the History of Biology (2022): 55 (2) Special Issue: New Styles of Thought and Practices: Biology in the Interwar Period. Issue editors: Jan Baedke, Christina Brandt
Titel des Journal of the History of Biology
Image: Springer Verlagsinternetseite


Journal of the History of Biology Volume 55External link, Issue 2, August 2022
Special Issue: New Styles of Thought and Practices: Biology in the Interwar Period

With Articles from Christina Brandt & Julia Gruevska:

Jan Baedke & Christina Brandt; Between the Wars, Facing a Scientific Crisis: The Theoretical and Methodological Bottleneck of Interwar BiologyExternal link. Introduction to Special Issue: New Styles of Thought and Practices: Biology in the Interwar Period; 209–217

Christina Brandt; Development and Heredity in the Interwar PeriodExternal link: Hans Spemann and Fritz Baltzer on Organizers and Merogones; 253–283

Christina Brandt; Vitalism, Holism, and Metaphorical Dynamics of Hans Spemann’s “Organizer” in the Interwar PeriodExternal link; 285–320

Julia Gruevska; Analysis and/or Interpretation in Neurophysiology? A Transatlantic Discussion Between F. J. J. Buytendijk and K. S. Lashley, 1929–1932External link; 321-347