Lecture by Pietro Corsi (The University of Oxford) on the 30th of January, 6pm
Christina Brandt will give a paper on the topic: "The 'Biological Time Bomb': Imagined Futures in the Life Sciences, 1960s-1980s“ at this year’s meeting of the History of Science Society in Merida (7- 10 Nov.)
We congratulate Anna Klassen who successfully defended her PhD thesis: „Von Biotechnologie zu Bioethik: Die Debatten über die Regulation von Gentechnologie in der Bundesrepublik der 1970er und 1980er Jahre“
Florence Vienne / Marion Thomas: Solidarité et théories du vivant au XIX siècle. Regards croisés sur la physiologie de Theodor Schwann et de Charles Robin
Workshop "Ernst Haeckel Postcolonial. New Perspectives on his Life and Work" March 20-22 2024
Julia Gruevska and the "Netzwerk Philosophiehistorisches Arbeiten" in a panel discussion with Christina Brandt, Christoph Demmerling and Gerald Hartung on the importance of the history of philosophy.
Thursday, 3th April 2025, 4:30-5:30 p.m. (max. 12 persons)