Anthropological Epistemology
Encyclopaedia entry "human"
Image: Julia GruevskaAnthropological Epistemology. Between Philosophy and the Life-Sciences in the 20th Century
Julia Gruevska´s project investigates, from a perspective that integrates philosophy and the history of science, the genesis and establishment of philosophical anthropology as an epistemological concept. Using the example of Frederik Buytendijk‘s “anthropological physiology” and his cooperation on the theoretical and practical level with the philosopher Helmuth Plessner, it will detail the dynamics in research and reflection in the respective scientific cultures and the circulation of knowledge between philosophy, physiology and psychology. In this way, the project will elucidate the relevance, always capable of being negotiated anew, of Philosophical Anthropology as an anthropological epistemology, methodologically understood as “researching critique and critical research”, to philosophy and the life-sciences.