At the FSU Jena, you can combine “History of Science" as a minor with a major in the humanities or the social sciences in the Bachelor of Arts programmes. As a supplementary subject the history of science programme is characterized by an approach that transcends disciplinary boundaries. The courses aim at reflecting historically and theoretically on science and knowledge – skills that are increasingly important in our present-day knowledge society. You gain insight into historical changes in natural science, learn about interconnections between different scientific domains and intellectual traditions and learn to classify developments across different scientific and cultural periods. What is especially important to us is imparting key general competences, that is, dealing with scientific texts and sources as well as learning modern techniques for research and representation.
In connection with a suitable core subject, the supplementary subject qualifies the students for admission to a Master’s programme in the humanities or the social sciences.
Overview of the courses SoSe 2024pdf, 163 kb · de
The courses are independent and can be taken in any order (the sample study plan is only a suggestion);