Another important research area at the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus is the making available of archive material significant to the history of science:
The Ernst Haeckel research centre has an extensive archive and library collection on the early history of Darwinism. With its publication of Haeckel’s extraordinarily diverse, wide-ranging correspondence, the project „Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919): Letters Edition"External link opens up one of the most comprehensive and culturally significant source collections on the history of the biological sciences in the late 19th and early 20th century in German-speaking countries. The edition project is carried out in cooperation with the Leopoldina Centre for Scientific ResearchExternal link and is planned and funded as a long-term, twenty-five year project of the German Academy of the Sciences [Union der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften].
Another project supported by DFG start-up financing is dedicated to the unpublished work of the co-founder of cell theory, Theodor Swann (1810-1882)
Contact: Thomas Bach & Florence Vienne