The supporting association Ernst-Haeckel-Haus e.V. was founded in Jena in Autumn 1990. It aims atsupporting, fostering and critically appraising Ernst Haeckel’s legacy. The association is committed to popularizing scientific knowledge as well as German and European cultural history. It promotes international exchanges and supports the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus museum which, as an extra-curricular educational venue, offers its guests alternative access to culture, science and education.
Aims of the association
- Preserving the zoologist and Darwinist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) life’s work in science and in art
- Conserving of historical assets from science, medicine and technology
- Supporting the development and preservation of the Ernst Haeckel archive on the early history of Darwinism
- Supporting measures for the historical conservation and restoration of the building or the collections and the archive records of the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus
- Conceiving and holding special exhibitions on scientific, intellectual and cultural history
- Holding specialist conferences and colloquia as well as informative events
- Supporting the series “Ernst Haeckel House Studies”, monographs on the history of the biological sciences and medicine
Would you like to support the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus Förderverein e.V.?
Then send the completed and signed membership formpdf, 42 kb · deby email to ernsthaeckelhaus@uni-jena.de
by post to Ernst-Haeckel-Haus
Berggasse 7
07745 JenaMembership costs € 15.00 per year. (Transfer by the member to the association account).
Articles of association