Fölsche, Undine Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
Sellierstraße 6
07745 Jena
M. Sc. Undine Fölsche works in the project „Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919): Briefedition“External link
Brief Biography
Undine Fölsche studied German Studies and History of Natural Sciences (Bachelor's degree) and then went on to study History of Natural Sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.
During her studies, she worked as a student assistant in the DFG-funded third-party project "Edition, commentary, evaluation and analysis of the correspondence between Lorenz Oken and the publisher Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus in the years 1814 - 1850" at the Institute for the History of Medicine, Natural Sciences and Technology at the FSU Jena.
Since 2015, she has been working as a research assistant at the Institute for History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences with a focus on life sciences (FSU Jena) in the project "Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) - Edition of letters".
- Promotion. Steter Tropfen wahrt den Schein!, in: Mind the Gap. Karriere statt Barriere. Begleitheft zur Ausstellung (2017). S. 18-25.
- Ein Praktikum bei der ALG, in: ALG Umschau 43 (2010). S. 9.
- Fölsche, Undine: Dorf – Feld – Flur. Namensforschung im Kontext. Projektseminar an der
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, in: Heimat Thüringen 16 (2009). Heft 3. S. 14 f.