Karg, Bastienne Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, Room D202
Berggasse 7
07745 Jena
Phone: 03641 9 49504
Email: bastienne.karg[at]uni-jena.de -
Brief Biography
Bastienne Karg studied art history at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (B.A.) and collection-related history of knowledge and culture at the University of Erfurt (M.A.).
As her master's thesis, she wrote an object biography of a taxidermied gorilla, which is still on display at the Phyletisches Museum in Jena. The collection object was given to Ernst Haeckel on his 75th birthday. In her work, Bastienne Karg opened up the object from different perspectives and provided contextualized insights into historical thought patterns. A short insight into the object biography can be found on the website of the Koordinationsstelle Koloniales Erbe in ThüringenExternal link.
During her studies, Bastienne Karg worked at the Photo Center of the University of Jena, where she was responsible for digitizing, capturing and indexing historical image material. She also supported the research project "Reaching for Atlantis" at the University of Erfurt as a research scholar and later as a research assistant at the University of Hamburg and created an object database.
Since September 2022, Bastienne Karg has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences (Ernst Haeckel House). As part of her PhD project, she is involved in the methodological conception of a new exhibition at the Ernst Haeckel House.
Research interests
- Object biographies in cultural context
- Narrative in the image
- Exhibition practices
- Methods of visualization and reproduction of knowledge