Engineering Life: Regulating Science, Risks, and Society in Europe

Workshop at the Rice Global Paris Center in cooperation with the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
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Engineering Life: Regulating Science, Risks, and Society in Europe

Workshop (June 14-16) at the Rice Global Paris Center
Organized by: Luis Campos (Rice University), Francesco Cassata (University of Genoa and Centro Linceo ‘B. Segre’), Christina Brandt (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
For more informationExterner Link

For the past half-century, from the invention of recombinant DNA to genomic engineering today, the understanding of life as a malleable material and a new platform for emerging biotechnologies, has been a touchstone. This has raised pressing questions about biotechnological innovation, risk, public interest, and other recurring issues in the the history of science and science and technology policy. 

About the Rice Global Paris CenterExterner Link